Thursday, 25 February 2021
Bananas about bananas
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Waste not want not
Friday, 19 February 2021
More books.
My next books to explore come as a pair.
Volumes 1 and 2 of The War Illustrated.
The first world war isn't a topic I have much interest in so I've only had a brief glance through them. Both are in pretty good condition considering their age of about 106 years.
The artwork is beautifully done on each issues cover and some of the photographs were quite interesting. I quite liked the old nursing uniforms.
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Feeling creative
Compaired to the last two books this one isn't particularly old at all.
I wasn't expecting great things from it and was already thinking of using it for art journalling until I opened it.
The illustrations are beautiful!
Far to pretty to be hidden in a book! I've seen some lovely ideas on Pinterest of framed botanical prints.
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
V.R.I Her life and Empire (1901)
Tuesday's Pantry visit
Tuesday's are fast becoming my favourite day of the week!
This weeks blue token deal was for a selection of store cupboard fillers.
Tea bags
Wheat biscuits (not pictured)
Selection of tins.
My other blue token paid for 1kg of Dominos chicken. I think it's what they use to top the pizzas but I think it might be nice added to pasta or rice.
My red tokens;
2x Richmond sausages
2x frankfurter hotdogs
4x hot cross buns
2x baked beans
2x mushroom soup
2x sweetcorn
2x chopped tomatoes
1x bolognese sauce
Free items;
2x enchilada mix sachets
2x salsa
2x liver
2x dairy free coconut yoghurt
Some new things for us all to try this week. My mission for the week is to clear out the freezer a bit. My brother is moving home and has offered us some freezer food to save him relocating it. At the moment it wouldn't fit so making space is our main priority.
X x X
Monday, 15 February 2021
Simple Pleasures
I was very kindly gifted a box of vintage books today. They came at just the right time as today has been an absolute arse of a day to be honest with you.
I have spent the afternoon focussing on self-care and gentleness. If nothing else it has calmed everyone in the household down for a reasonably peaceful bedtime.
I've decided to spread the excitement of the books out over a few days. Tonight I made myself a warm drink and snuggled in bed with Bees in Amber by John Oxenham.
I don't often read poetry and the book was a bice mixture of topics and styles. There were a few poems that stood out to me.
I found this one particularly enjoyable. It would make a wonderful base for a tragic short story I think.
Once I had finished flicking through the pages I looked up the poet to find John Oxenham is a pen name for William Arthur Dunkerley. He seemed to be quite a prolific àuthor and poet in his time. I will make sure to look out for some more of his works.
I don't feel the need to add the book to my permanent collection of vintage books but I have found a poem I think a good friend of mine might enjoy. I'm going to pop it in the post as a nice suprise for them.
Pop back tomorrow to see what secrets the next book reveals.
Saturday, 13 February 2021
Chinese New Year
⁰Our Chinese meal went down well with everyone this evening.
We splurged with one of Asda's Chinese for 2 boxes and a handful of extra sides. It still worked out a fair bit cheaper than ordering a take away though. The duck spring rolls were especially popular.
We all enjoyed our meal listening to traditional Chinese music and finished off with fortune cookies.
Tomorrow we will be celebrating Valentines day with lots and lots of locally made cakes 🥰 I can't wait.
X x X
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Look at those Tarts!
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Oh my!
A quick bit of Googling has led me to a seller on Ebay. 58cm squares for £23! I have several metres sat beside me.
Hmmmm...decisions decisions...
Keep it and craft or try selling it for some extra funds 🤔
What would you do?
Pantry day
X x X
Monday, 8 February 2021
When life gives you limes...
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Almost free lunch
Today's lunch was a complete bargain.
4x naan breads - free from Olio
1 packet of sliced corned beef - free from Olio
Grated cheese - community pantry
Topped naan breads are always a popular meal or snack in the Spurrier house.
I pop them in the oven for about 5-8 minutes to melt nicely.
I served them with fresh sliced apple which were also free from OLIO.
X x X
Tuesday, 2 February 2021
Community pantry
Monday, 1 February 2021
Upcycling fun
After the excitement that is Monday's Homeschooling I needed something calm and relaxing to do.
So I dug out an old net curtain from the depths of the airing cupboard and turned it into a collection of drawstring produce bags. I've made a fairly big one for things like spuds, medium ones for apples, oranges, carrots etc and a few small ones for single items like onions or little things like mushrooms.
My poor punnet of mushrooms was all over the place once I got home last week. They seem to have had a whale of time in that carrier bag 😂
It was a lovely peaceful sewing project to enjoy while sipping tea and watching a bit of Ru Pauls Drag Race on Netflix.
I do like being useful AND thrifty at the same time.
X x X