Wednesday 14 April 2021

Life and other things


 Life is going pretty well for us at the moment. It's been a busy half term as DH has a new job which he has already started. The rota is quite different to his last job so its going to take some time getting into a new routine. Plus he is also pretty exhausted from working full time again after months of doing not a lot. He is however a lot happier in this new job than he was in the old one so that alone is worth everything.

 The children are all happy, healthy and growing like weeds! I'm trying to prise  the older two off of electronic devices at least once a day and go in the garden. Sometimes they go willingly sometimes not 🤣

 Once the children return to school next wek i will be getting my decluttering plans in order. I want at least one carrier bag gone a day! I want space on my shelves again.

 Hope you are all doing well


Tuesday 6 April 2021

A little upcycle project


This little glass frame has been sat on my to do pile for a little while. It kept on catching my eye but I just couldn't come up with any ideas. Until today when inspiration popped into my head out of nowhere. Inspiration can be funny that way.

I removed the three little pins securing it closed and worked my way through a suprising number of card and paper layers. The frame itself is rather flimsy and needs the card inserts to keep itself in shape. The glass in the frame has a slight dome which I think meant the flowers were more 3d at some point but I'm not sure. A lot of crumbly brown bits fell out as I deconstructed it!

I used one of my stash of garden magazines for the new background image and several smaller flowers. The lady came from my stash of Victorian scrap images.

 I added a little cardboard support to make the lady stand in front of the background. I used a slither of card from a Easter egg box which means I'll have to eat that evg later. What a shame 🤣

I think she's rather pretty. A definite improvement on dead brown flowers at the very least. I might keep my eyes peeled for a similar frame and make her a sister in the future. Perhaps even create a whole display of little flower portraits! 
My minds running away with me now! 😂

Any suggestions for a name? 

X x X