Three more films off the list yesterday! A rainy day meant we were all stuck indoors, so I just popped them on, one after the other, and pottered round the house all day. I love these films so much, it really is one of the best stories I have ever heard!
And one more book finished! The True Blood series in a favorite of mine both on the screen and paper. This is the first book, I've read it several times and still enjoy it. Only took me two evenings reading to plow through it. I've started work this morning on Book 2 in the series as I'm the first one up today. Breakfast and a book? I haven't done this in YEARS!
And finally the crafts - first this stunning Tree of Gondor jumper, I love the Celtic sleeve decoration. Wonder how many hours this would take?
I am completely in love with this scarf! And even better the pattern is completely free if you hunt it on Google. I think I might give this a go once the fair isle bag is finished. (nearly finished side 2 now!)
And finally you can't have a scarf without matching gloves. Or in this case Gondor mittens! This would definitely be the next project after the scarf. I might even try these first as I should have plenty of white left over from the current project. Hmmmmm so much knitting so little time.
X x X
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Rainbow Cakes!
Aren't they a work of art? I am so pleased with how these bad boys turned out. The colours are brighter in person, the camera doesn't quite do them justice.
I've intended to make these for ages but could never quite be bothered. I'm so glad I did!
DD (who is a pumpkin princess today for some reason) was fascinated with them while they were in the oven, and will be first in line to test one when they have cooled down a little more :)
x x x
I've intended to make these for ages but could never quite be bothered. I'm so glad I did!
DD (who is a pumpkin princess today for some reason) was fascinated with them while they were in the oven, and will be first in line to test one when they have cooled down a little more :)
x x x
The Dark Knight 7/250
So I watched it, and I didn't like it anymore that the first time I saw it. But I will not dwell on it, I don't have to watch it again and lets move on with the list!
I'm still waiting for 12 angry men to arrive, hopefully tomorrow. Number 8 is Schindler's List which I need to track down somewhere, I've asked on Facebook so fingers crossed I can borrow a copy from somewhere. And then it's onto the Lord of the Rings trilogy whoop whoop.
I couldn't leave you all though without some Batman craft I discovered while waiting for some cakes to bake (another bucket list post coming soon!). I wish I'd seen these Batman snowflakes earlier! I've pinned them for next year though!
and these Batman nails are to die for! I wish my hand was that steady. I used to do a lot of pop art type drawings when I was younger (before kids when life was simpler)
Watch this space for another post in the next half hour or so! I'm working on some Rainbow cakes (another item on my list) and they are almost cooked :)
x x x
Friday, 25 January 2013
Movies and storys and followers....Oh My!
So it's another day and another movie. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (5/250). And the first dud on the list in my opinion. I'm writing this before it's finished playing but I'm already tuned out. I don't feel drawn to any of the characters, or the storyline. It's just not happening for me, but hey if anyone asks me if I've ever seen it I can yes, but it wasn't my cup of tea. Oh well.
Next on the list is 12 angry men - I've never heard of it and had to track it down and order it off Ebay so while I'm waiting for it to turn up I will move on or I will loose all momentum. Number 7 is The Dark Knight. My hubby loves that film so he will be happy to watch it with me, hopefully he will make it more fun because I hate hate HATE the new batman films, I've seen all three with Hubby, at least most of all three films I tend to nap or wander off. So I don't think that will be a positive review post either lol.
In other news I have complete part 1 of a new bucketlist challenge. To read 100 books in 2013.
Is reading Mills and Boons cheating? They are pretty short and sweet, I tend to read one in a session so the numbers should rack up quickly on this challenge. I love a nice trashy romance.
If you have a kindle or a kindle program I recommend grabbing this one now as it's free. It's rather sweet (and sexy) but not OTT or in your face about it. I certainly fell rather in love with Silvio - definitely my sort of man.
If you read it , drop me a comment and let me know what you thought.
And finally a big thank you to all my followers! 72 of you are now happy to follow my posts and listen to me whitter on about this, that and the other. Every time I see that little number pop up I smile the biggest beaming grin you did ever see. I'm going to celebrate with Ben and Jerry on the sofa. (The other men in my life!)
x x x x
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Pulp Fiction - 4/250
It's been far to long since I last watched this movie. I love the humour, the characters, the clever storyline, the sneaky references to it's sister movie Reservoir Dogs, everything! I would have chosen this to be number one instead of The Shawshank Redemption any day. But alas it is not my personal list I am watching lol
Pulp fiction being such an iconic movie I thought I'd try another craft hunt on Google. Here what I found.
How I want these in my life! The only way they could be cooler is if they spoke lines from the film as you sat on them! But seeing as I have 2 small children who have brains like sponges perhaps M**********R isn't something I want them to hear repeatedly during the day. I had to watch this movie in three hits during naps times to prevent it from being picked up. I have however been trying to get DD to say "Royale with cheese" all day but no luck yet!
I have also come across a fantastic artist called Mike Matola who make posters using quotes, scenes and whole speeches to create wonder pieces of art. I of course love the Pulp fiction piece made from the entire text of the first scene. But I really like The Beatles collection as well!
I'm quite tempted to have a go at making my own, perhaps our family surname made by writing our first names? Or one to create this movie challenge?
x x
It's a plague house.
Tin seaside postcard plaque - 99p - PDSA
Beware the germs if you enter my house at the moment. Me and the two littles are all cuddled on the sofa sniffing and coughing, OH is at the shop doing just the same poor thing. We all started feeling "off" yesterday but today it's hit full force.
Funky Hat - 99p - PDSA
DD showing off her new hat, here she is ready to go home after helping in Daddy's shop for the day. Today she is cuddled up under the quilt by my feet , watching Toy Story 3 and looking rather sad and poorly. I'm hoping she will be over the worst of it by tomorrow and can go to Pre-school. And here is a sneak peek at a new crochet project I'm working on, not much to see yet but watch this space :)
x x x
Monday, 21 January 2013
Long nights and Longer days
Poor DD is feeling under the weather, I can't quite tell what is up with her but she isn't right. Last night she slept from 6 till 11pm and then moaned, grumbled and generally wanted cuddles and comfort until 2am! I am shattered but I used my time wisely by watching The Godfather Part 1 (Film 2 of 250) and whipping up some crochet headbands I've been meaning to make for a while.
Today I've spent the morning pottering around the house and trying to a very tired DD from having tantrums. I've also squeezed in The Godfather part 2 (3/250). I couldn't believe it when I realised it's on two discs! And to be fair it is pretty epic but I definitely didn't feel it was anywhere near the first film. And looking at some of other films on the list, there are films I would rate higher but never mind. This is an adventure and it can't all be wondrous can it!
While having my lunch I popped in a search for The Godfather craft, just to see what people had been inspired to create from the film. I found these.... a cuddly horses head pillow for snugging. But at $45 plus postage it isn't cheap so naturally I looked for a frugal versions.
A few clicks later I found a hand knitted version of the above pillow. I actually like this one a bit better lol. Perhaps I should add it to my list of things to do?
And finally here are one of the headbands and matching bracelet I made last night. I ended up making one set for DD and a headband for Baby D. I used the free wool from a learn to knit magazine I picked up the other day.
Here is Baby D modelling hers. Tres Cute wouldn't you say?
x x x
Sunday, 20 January 2013
1/250 complete - The Shawshank Redemption
This afternoon me and hubby managed to get both girlies down for a nap at the same time!! So we used some of the time to watch a bit of out first challenge film, and then finished it off this evening once the girls were in bed.
I'd forgotten so many bits from this film, and I really enjoyed re watching it and falling in love with Red all over again. Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor, though I can't ever watch anything without thinking of him playing God in Bruce Almighty.
So that film one of 250 completed! 249 left to go. Numbers 2&3 is The Godfather part 1 and part 2 - so I need to hook out our box set and get started on that in the next day or so.
x x x
I'd forgotten so many bits from this film, and I really enjoyed re watching it and falling in love with Red all over again. Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor, though I can't ever watch anything without thinking of him playing God in Bruce Almighty.
So that film one of 250 completed! 249 left to go. Numbers 2&3 is The Godfather part 1 and part 2 - so I need to hook out our box set and get started on that in the next day or so.
x x x
My Bucket List
Morning all,
Isn't it turning horrible out there. The snow is now that grey slippy sludge stuff that sets hard like concrete. It's not pretty, it's not fun and it's not going away. The worst part of the snow is definitely upon us. Ho hum.
To entertain myself I have found a wonderful website called Bucketlist where you can make your own bucket list from many many thousands of ideas from the achievable to the bizarre to the completely unobtainable (walk on the moon anyone?)
I've tried to make mine a nice mixture of short term and long term goals. And I love the idea of being able to track my achievements, so on a bad day and could look at my completed items list for a pep up. So here is my current list;
- See a Cirque de Soleil show
- Get my portrait painted by a street artist
- Go to Anne Frank's house
- Watch the top IMDB 250 and/or AFI top 100 movies
- Be part of a flash mob
- Solve a rubix cube
- Get down to 9 stone 7
- Have a conversation with a homeless person
- Watch a foreign language film in a cinema
- Stay in a themed room in a Hotel
- See a live Mula Mula
- Travel to Italy
- See Northern Lights
- Go to Austrailia
- Go to Egypt and see the Pyramids
- See Les Miserable live
- See the Phantom of the Opera live
- ❀ ғιɴd α ғoυr leαғ clover
- See the Mona Lisa
- See the book of Kells
- Compliment a stranger
- Make homemade ice cream
- Visit The Louvre
- Choose 10 countries and watch a movie from each of them
- Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it
- Have a plant named Robert Plant
- Make my own Piñata
- Backpack Europe
- Pay for a child's Cleft lip surgery
- Visit Four Corners
- Read 100 books in 2013
- Send a message in a bottle
- Read The Lord of The Rings Series
- Finish the whole Supernatural series
- Ride a tandem bicycle
- Perform 5 random acts of kindness
- Ride an Elephant
- Taste truffles
- Finish an entire coloring book
- Go to a book signing
- Wear a bikini (with a sarong)
- Explore Sydney Harbour
I'm starting my movie and book marathon today. Film one is "The Shawshank Redemption" and I need to finish "Life of Pi".
Do you have a bucket list?
x x x
Friday, 18 January 2013
Welcome Fellow Growers
Welcome to my Grow your Blog post. Pull up a chair and get some knitting out and I will whitter on about me and mine for a little while.
This is me, I'm Sarah. I'm 27 and when there isn't a baby sleeping on my face I am generally pottering about, or running after one or both of my daughters or my husband.
I really enjoy knitting and crochet, but have no luck with sewing beyond tiny cross stitch projects and running stitch. I am usually making something, at the moment its a fair isle bag. I photoed it a post or two ago you may be able to have a peek if you fancy.
I love investigating anything that can make me a little more self sufficient and it's my dream to do the whole River Cottage thing. The first few series type though before he got all silly and turned it into a brand.
This is my handsome hubby of 18 months, with our two daughters. DD is almost 3 and Baby D is almost 5 months! Where the time has gone I have no idea, but I have certainly enjoyed it. I am really family orientated and am one of those people who don't tend to do much outside of her own family circle.
By the way Hubby is often referred to as Child 3! And I swear sometimes he is one giving me the biggest hassle.
And today I have mostly been hiding from DD who has pelted me with snowballs every time we go out. She gets chilly fast poor lamb, so we've been taking it in turns wrapping her up and playing in the snow for 15 minutes, then coming in for a few hours and warming up.
Hubby tried a few hours in the shop but didn't see a single soul the whole time, so just took care of the online sales and came on home. I really admire him for trudging there and back in the snow. It's been lovely having some extra chill out time together though.
Thank you for popping in to see me and what I'm up to. I can't wait to visit everyone!
x x x
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Prepping for the storm
Blinis - 10p x 10 Mousse trio - 69p Organic Milk 19p x 4
Tomato pasta 29p x 2 - Birthday Cake - 1x £2.25
So the world and his wife tells me that tomorrow we will be snowed in tomorrow. A few of the oldies at my knitting group tutted and said "it'll never happen, it never does",
A few scare mongers on my facebook seem to think we will be cannibalizing each other by tea time to survive lol. But either way I have stocked up on the necessary just in case. Plenty of milk and bread in the fridge. And lots of lovely birthday cake! I also popped into the Boots sale as I heard a rumour it was all 75% off now. The rumours were true and I picked up 2 Sanctuary gift sets for £2.50 each. Buying them gave me two vouchers for NO7 which is on a double offer. 2 nail varnish and a pack of face wipes for £5 , which in turn gave me another voucher! So I might stock up on some more polish tomorrow.
The tops and shorts were just 50p for all three! Baby D will be quite the fashionista come summer.
I have a Vindaloo cooking to warm me up, so I shall wish all good luck in surviving "The great snow of 2013"
x x
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
What I've been up to....
....admiring my first bunch of flowers in 2013. Hubby and DD picked them up for me after I had a stressful day.My living room smells like roses :)
.... deciding which Tigger is the best one, my money is on the right!
.... trying to find where DD is hiding and what this peculiar lump is under the jungle quilt.
.... finishing off the first part of a bag knitting project. And feeling rather proud about how it's turned out so far.
..... trying to show you all a photo of the bag I'm knitting without being photo bombed by my toddler. That is definitely a trait inherited from her father.
x x x
.... deciding which Tigger is the best one, my money is on the right!
.... trying to find where DD is hiding and what this peculiar lump is under the jungle quilt.
.... finishing off the first part of a bag knitting project. And feeling rather proud about how it's turned out so far.
..... trying to show you all a photo of the bag I'm knitting without being photo bombed by my toddler. That is definitely a trait inherited from her father.
x x x
Friday, 11 January 2013
posh nosh
Nummy food bargains | . |
And as a little addition DD make this lovely pompom picture at pre school today. She was so proud of it she took my camera out of my bag and snapped a few shots for "mummy's laptop". She is settling in so well already, after only 2 sessions although today she came home twice as tired as session 1. They played outside today on the slides and trampolines so she is well and truly burnt out!
x x x
Thursday, 10 January 2013
A positive 2013
I definitely have the flu. OH has banned me from leaving the house as I look so awful this morning but I still think I look worse than I feel. My entertainment has been washing clothes, watching movies with DD and when I'm allowed playing Bioshock again on 360.
The latest instalment of the game is released in March and I'm already getting excited. I will be a wreck by the time it's released. lol
I picked up some soup cheap yesterday in Waitrose on the way home so that might help my sore throat. I still sound like a drag queen, which is not something I'm best pleased about.
x x x
The latest instalment of the game is released in March and I'm already getting excited. I will be a wreck by the time it's released. lol
I picked up some soup cheap yesterday in Waitrose on the way home so that might help my sore throat. I still sound like a drag queen, which is not something I'm best pleased about.
x x x
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
My day
I'm working on a paper mache project at the moment for the shop. I've been in the little back room doing it, as I'm full of lurgy and probably shouldn't be allowed near customers lol. I sound worse than I feel, but sadly I sound like a 40 a day drag queen.
DD is super excited because tomorrow is her big first day at pre school. She went for an hour or so with Daddy today as a taster session. By the end of it you wouldn't have know it was her first time, she was like a duck to water. Tomorrow morning is going to be so strange without her.
And finally while "playing" in the back room I found a stash of Star Wars bits and pieces, so before we came home I made a little display. Easily entertained me :)
On the way home we popped into Waitrose and stocked up on twiglet tubs for 85p each, a lovely bottle of Jersey milk for 22p and 2 packs of pancakes for 25p each. Just perfect for supper.
x x x
DD is super excited because tomorrow is her big first day at pre school. She went for an hour or so with Daddy today as a taster session. By the end of it you wouldn't have know it was her first time, she was like a duck to water. Tomorrow morning is going to be so strange without her.
And finally while "playing" in the back room I found a stash of Star Wars bits and pieces, so before we came home I made a little display. Easily entertained me :)
On the way home we popped into Waitrose and stocked up on twiglet tubs for 85p each, a lovely bottle of Jersey milk for 22p and 2 packs of pancakes for 25p each. Just perfect for supper.
x x x
Monday, 7 January 2013
Prepping for Valentines
I whipped up these last night while watching An idiot abroad. I found the two pink pictures online as free printables and made 2 large and 4 small of each design. I then designed the white one using Paint and made 4 small cards. The heart shape gems and card stock are leftovers from my wedding! So these bad boys have cost me almost nothing. They will be on sale in our shop from the 1st of February, any that don't sell can be kept for 2014.
I really enjoy nerdy crafts like this, so keep your eyes peeled for more bits headed this way. I need to hunt down ideas for a geeky window display I can do.
Yesterday afternoon I blitzed the girls bedroom of toys, clothes and general stuff. I have a small mountain of black sacks to chuck in a local charity shop. I'm just waiting for my dad to pop round with the car and help me transport them in return for a coffee and a biscuit. He's so good to me.
x x x
I really enjoy nerdy crafts like this, so keep your eyes peeled for more bits headed this way. I need to hunt down ideas for a geeky window display I can do.
Yesterday afternoon I blitzed the girls bedroom of toys, clothes and general stuff. I have a small mountain of black sacks to chuck in a local charity shop. I'm just waiting for my dad to pop round with the car and help me transport them in return for a coffee and a biscuit. He's so good to me.
x x x
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Keeping occupied at work
2013 is going to be a shop focused year for us. So since Wednesday I have been working alongside hubby in the shop. As you can see DD is quite happy to help with keeping the stock neat on the shelves. She loves cleaning the big windows to.
I've been getting my creative jig on by lining display shelves with cheap wrapping paper and making gamer theme badges with a cheap badge kit from the sales.
I also amuse myself by silly signs for the different stock areas on the whiteboards.
PS3 area
Xbox 360 area.
We've yet to decide which section to put these two in, but we have been receiving offers on them all day :)x x x
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