After the
success of the first recipe yesterday I have decided to storm ahead onto recipe two.
Which as you can see above is Rajah Mutton Curry. Here is the introduction;
I have
chosen a curry as today's special dish, but it is a curry with a refreshing flavour of apple and fruit chutney.
One of curry's great attractions, quite
apart from its flavour, is the way in which it can be dressed up for serving.
Sprinkle with desiccated coconut, or surround it with thin orange and lemon rings. Top is with banana slices, tangerine segments,
lychee or pineapple cubes. Serve it with tiny dishes of chutney, pickle,
yogurt and chopped onion.
However you choose to serve it, remember that the sweet which follows will have to break through the barrier of a curried palate, so do not serve anything to subtle or delicate.
2lbs Diced Lean Mutton
1 Large cooking apple
1 Large onion
4oz Butter
2 Tablespoons Curry powder
Salt, Pepper
Heat the butter in a pan. Add the peeled and sliced onion and fry gently until tender and lightly browned. Add the diced mutton, seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss for a few moments then add the peeled and chopped apple, curry powder and a dessertspoonful of mango or tomato chutney. Blend well. Cover the pan with a close fitting lid and allow to simmer gently for an hour, stirring from time to time to prevent sticking. Serve with plainly boiled rice, banana slices, quartered
hard boiled eggs and lemon quarters.
I am planning to buy my ingredients tomorrow. I need to get the meat, another apple and the curry powder. The rest I have in the cupboards. They seem to be very fond of adding fruit to dinners in the 60's. Hopefully things get a little less fruity as the recipes go on.

And here is our second page of delicious tips :) Just because its Sunday you can have three today. Aren't you all lucky devils?
Tip 1;
Austrian Orange Cake
Cream together 4oz butter and 8oz caster sugar. Blend in 4 beaten egg yolks alternately with 4oz of sifted self-raising flour. Flavour with the juice and finely grated rind of one orange. Beat 4 egg whites stiffly. Fold them into the cake mixture. Butter and lightly flour a cake tin, shaking out any excess. Pour in the cake mixture and bake in a moderate oven for 50-60 minutes. Test the cake for
doneness by inserting a warm skewer. If this is withdrawn dry, the cake is quite cooked. Allow the cake to cool before filling or icing it.
Tip 2;
Beans in the nose.
You will have heard of course, of the child who pushed a haricot bean up his nose. The thought of doing such a thing had not
occurred to him
until his mother warned him
rashly against it. Children certainly do have a dangerous
tendency to put found objects in their ears, nose and mouth. What should you do if this happens?
Perhaps the most vital thing is to realise that you may do more harm than good by trying to remove it inexpertly. This quite often happens if the object is a hard, shiny one like a bead, marble or dried pea. The child may squirm suddenly and you might
accidentally push the object still further. But if the foreign body is soft, like a piece of cotton wool or felt, get someone to hold the child still, and try to pick out the offending item with a pair of small tweezers. Objects in the nose can sometimes be dislodged by sneezing or blowing the nose. So, try these
possibilities first, and if they fail, take the child to the doctor, the out patients department at a local hospital, or an ear nose and throat specialist.
Tip 3;
One for the pot.
Put a blackcurrant leaf in your teapot the next time you make a pot of tea. It gives it the fragrance and perfume of an expensive green tea. Incidentally, we may complain about the price of groceries today, but did you know that tea cost as much as £10 per 1lb in London in the early 17
th century? It was, as you can imagine, the beverage of the rich and was used very sparingly.
That's all from me for now folks. But if you decide to use any of these tips and recipes please pop me a comment, I would love to hear how they worked out for you. Or see them if you have the time to blog :)
x xx