
Sunday, 6 September 2020

New project

 I picked up this interesting wooden box from a fellow Treasured Trash networker recently. I think it might have held a set of cutlery at one point but I'm not sure.

The interior of the box was covered in several layers of paper and a layer of that green plush velvety stuff. 

As I peeled all the paper off I discovered what looked like pages from an annual society show booklet from 1948. There was also what looked like brown parcel paper and a layer of dark coloured paper with alligator scales embossed on it.
It took almost an entire evening to peel and pick it all off back to the wood.

 Finally I was able to line it with some of my lovely floral sticky back plastic. 
 It took a while to measure and cut each section but I got there in the end.
 Now I need to decide what to turn it into. I'm thinking some sort of art supplies box or perhaps a writing box.
 Ohhh the possibilities!

 X x X


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