
Monday, 7 September 2020

Back to school

The three eldest headed back to school today. 
I'm still not sure how I feel about it, I miss them terribly but I've also enjoyed an uninterrupted cup of tea and deep cleaned a bathroom. 
What is it they say about clouds and silver linings? 

Everyone was sent off to school with a nice breakfast of waffles and we dressed the table up with some partyware to make it feel a little bit special.

Good luck my babies.

X x X



  1. That's a lovely idea to make breakfast special. Great picture too.

  2. May they be well protected from the virus and have a wonderful school year. Try to remember the old poem: Cleaning & scrubbing can wait til tomorrow. For children grow up, we learn from our sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs and dust, go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep. xoxo Love, Andrea

  3. Gman looks very cool in his shades x

  4. The children have really grown ! What a gorgeous crew you have 💚


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