
Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Oodles of Doilie crafts

Look at all this wonderful crafting potential! Be still my heart!
My mum very kindly gifted this pile of potential to me yesterday. I've spent a gloomy wet afternoon hunting for craft ideas on Pinterest and Google, while Gman napped on my lap.
Not having done anything remotely blog worthy today, I thought I would share some of my favourite finds. I warn you in advance....There's a theme you may not be ready for yet.

First up is this super cute garland from Raising up Rubies
I love the simplicity of it. I'm tempted to try making it more festive with Christmas print liners. 

These sweet hanging decorations from Fun EZ crafts come with an easy to follow tutorial. They'd be great to make with the children and easy to adapt to your colour scheme.

But Christmas won't be Christmas without.... doiley angels! The one above can be found here at Craft Town but I warn you in advance it's full of ads and pop ups. Maybe stick to Pinterest?

Pretty Dandy have a host of clever ideas on their page. My favourite were definitely the Tree cards. I can imagine a present afternoon creating them with the children over hot chocolate and mince pies.

 Are you sensing the theme of all these ideas? Me too!

X x x

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