
Monday, 5 June 2017

Forget-me-not cinema

The local arts centre has just started screening classic movies. They are calling it Forget-me-not cinema, with idea of dementia suffers and their carers coming to the screenings. I think it's a wonderful way to stir up some memories for the older generation, and a opportunity for the younger generations to see great movies on the big screen as intended. 
I saw it advertised on Facebook and invited my mum along with me. We both agreed it was a great experience. 
 Hopefully we're able to view a few more. Next month they are showing Brief Encounters!

And because my dear mummy is so wonderful and lovely, my sewing machine has been fixed, cleaned, freshly needled and ready to go.
 A small piece of lint was discovered under the footplate which we believe could have  been the culprit.  
I can't wait to get sewing again!

X x x


  1. Looking forward to seeing your creations!

  2. Oh well done your Mum, for sorting out the machine!


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