
Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Big Give - 1/366 - FINISHED


It's item 1 of The Big Give.

First up is a vintage copy of The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith.
You read about it Here.

I now have a digital copy on my kindle so no longer need to own the hard copy.
I'm not sure how old it is but it has a nice vintage look and feel about it. It's also quite small, making it perfect for your handbag or backpack.

I will estimate P&p to be  £2 payable however.
Any takers?

X x z

If not claimed within a week I will be donating it to a local charity shop.

1 comment:

  1. I have spent some time catching upo with your blog posts over Christmas. It sounds like you all had a lovely time. Your Big Giveaway is very good idea. I hope everyone enjoys your gifts! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog too.


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