
Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Years Eve

It was a beautiful day down south, a touch blowy but nothing major.
It was far to nice to stay inside so we took advantage of our new annual passes for Staunton Farm.

We spent a few happy hours visiting the animals. Our pass came with a voucher for free animal food which was great fun for the girls. They were both pretty brave and petted anything that came within reach.

DD1 enjoyed taking a few pictures on her new camera (Thank you Nanny and Grandad). Usually she's more of an observer than a toucher, we were really impressed with her bravery.

DD2  loved squelching through all the farm mud.
In fact when we returned to the car we ended up stripping their trousers and shoes due to the layers of mud. They both thought it was hilarious being driven home in tshirt and pants. 

Mr G in his customary style decided to snuggle deep in his snow suit and sleep through it all. 
Maybe he'll join in on our next visit eh?

Happy New Year to all my lovely readers and followers! 

X x x


  1. You obviously all had a lovely day! Happy new year to you and your family.

  2. What a lovely day..
    Happy New Year to all of you..

  3. Happy new year Sarah to you and your beautiful family.


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