
Saturday, 12 December 2015

PTA Christmas Market

This has been my main view for the day. Except most of it had a LOT more people in it than this picture.
I was running one of the crafts in the craft room.

I have made about a million of these tiny foil wrapped matchboxes. Okay maybe that is a slight overestimation, but it certainly feels like it lol.

Hubby took the children for a walk around the market while I was working. D particularly enjoyed the crafts. That would be her new coat covered in paint! Oh well, hopefully the washing machine will shift it.

It's been a lot if hard work but the market seems to have been a great success. Hopefully the PTA are now a big step closer to the new playground equipment we want to buy.

X x x

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've had a busy time - fun though! Oh that paint gets every where doesn't it! x


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