
Friday, 11 December 2015

Nativity and Elves.

DD1 is getting more and more excited about the school nativity next week. This week they have having dress rehearsals and learning about the nativity story in class.
Today she bought home a lovely picture she'd made of the manger scene, complete with a sheep! 
You remember her part in the play right? Lol

This mornings elves were discovered enjoying a nice story. How kind of them to read it to some of the other toys from the playroom 

Tonight's arrangement is rather special so I will make you wait to see it in the morning! Sorry!

X x X

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear is Hubby going to be involved in the final Elve scenario???? Can't wait to see this . I have really enjoyed these Elve blogs you have been posting .


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