
Monday, 8 September 2014

Just another Manic Monday

It's been all go here today I can tell you. DD had her very first day at school and was all dressed up in her sparkly new uniform. I managed to somehow get her hair pretty for school, though how I managed it on a bouncy over excited and anxious four year old I will never know.

Once we returned from school at lunch time (new starters only do half days for a while) we found a wonderful little parcel from Angela over at Tracing Rainbows. I had admired her Snow White aprons on the Tracing Rainbows blog. DD was of course thrilled and wore it for the rest of the day!

At 3pm the plums arrived! I was offered a job lot of plums by a kind lady on Streetbank, who not only gave me 10 1/2lbs of Victoria plums for free, but delivered them herself as well!
 Being short on time while DD assimilates into school I've frozen them down in 1lb bags skinned and destoned. But you can imagine just how many crumbles, pots of jam, syrup, jellies etc are coming our way with these tucked away for later.

And another peek at the Basil! Growing it in August under a pop bottle is definitely the way to go, I think I must have near on 100% germination from my sprinkle of seeds.  I'm leaving the lid off the bottle now to allow some air to circulate without shocking the seedlings. But I think in a day or two I will just leave it off completely and let them do their thing.

x x x


  1. So glad DD enjoyed school and that the apron arrived OK. Like you, I spent yesterday dealing with a gift of plums and cooking apples too. That's a lots of winter puddings sorted for your family and mine. Why is it that I cannot seem to grow things? I keep trying, Your basil looks great. xx

  2. Lovely post, success all round hugs ginny


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