
Sunday, 14 September 2014

Green gifts (some great, some NOT!)

 I had a little tray of green gifts from my parents this weekend. I've just finished popping them into pots and thought I would share them with you all.
 First some minty flavored salad leaves, these should last a little while if I only take what I need each time.

 Two Basil plants, to keep me going while my seedlings mature a bit.

 A coriander plant. Never tried growing these before, I use the seeds in my pickling though so it would be another step towards self sufficiency if I could produce my own.

It doesn't photograph well, but this is purple basil. PURPLE! I'm going to try and get these guys to grow big and healthy. Can you imagine how pretty green and purple pesto would look? Or sprinkled purple basil over pasta!

And finally a present I DIDN'T appreciate! This hairy legged hitchhiker was hiding under one of the plug pots. I managed to trap it using the old postcard and jam jar trick for a quick snap before regifting it back to my Dad. He released it out into the garden, but I'm on highest alert now in case he tries to sneak back in.

x x x

1 comment:

  1. I was cleaning yesterday and found a false widow spider - FREEAAAAKOUT! (Until google told me he was only a false widow, not a real one).

    I'm growing basil as well - normal and Thai - and it's doing really well. I've never had any success with coriander so buy it cheap from Indian grocers, chop and freeze - that works fine. You just stick a handful on hot food and it thaws right away.


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