
Monday, 4 September 2023

Back to school


The three smallest humans all headed back to school today. Mr G is in year 4, Miss W in Year 1 and Miss C has started preschool.
Which means once the older two go back to school tomorrow I will be child free at home 2 1/2 days a week!!! 
What I'm quite going to do with this weird and wonderous freedom I'm not yet sure.
It's both a bit scary and bit exciting.

 Today DH and I took the older two out of for a nice breakfast, then popped to Asda for some food bits and Miss D's school shoes.
 In the afternoon we spotted an advert on Facebook for a house nearby with lots of free bits outside. I recognised a book that was on my wish list so we popped out to grab it.
 I ended up picking up three books and also a fellow playground mum who happened to live just a road over from where the books were. So by happy coincidence we gave her a lift up to the school with us.

 All in all it's been a pretty active day.


  1. i'm so pleased you're posting again, i hope you find some interesting things to fill your new free time x

  2. This all sounds so good. Make sure to take time for yourself!!


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