
Sunday, 9 April 2023

Easter Sunday

This beautiful little lady turned 5 yesterday so it's been a little bit of a topsy turvy Easter. We spent the morning at church for the Easter service where we'd been asked to run the kitchen at short notice. DD's 1 & 2 were wonderful helping me set up everything and serving the guest while I prepared over 100 hot cross buns. I was sick of the sight of them by the time I finished 🤣

Once church was finished we were back into birthday mode with cake, presents, and birthday treats. Miss W was well and truly spoiled with visitors and birthday wishes all day. 

I can't quite believe how fast 5 years have gone.

 Today will be spent having a late Easter. We held back the children's Easter gifts to give Miss W the focus for her birthday. Obviously we couldn't move the church service though.
It's about 5.30am as I write this so shortly I will be sneaking around the house setting up a little pile of eggs and gifts for the children to find when they wake up 🥰
 Happy Easter everyone ☺️
X X X 

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