
Thursday, 21 July 2022

Summer break is here!

  I sent my last two children in school off this morning for their final day. DD1 and DD4 both finished yesterday so I had 3/5 home with me.

Though it was very overcast all day the air was still quite humid and the house will take a few days to cool down to a more comfortable level, so we decided to make a little activity in the garden for entertainment.

DD1 made tickets from little pieces of card whilst I made a quick Car wash sign for the 2 smallest two to decorate. It gave me just enough time to gather a few things together.

First you fight the ticket off the customer 🤣 then give the vehicle a good dust over. 

Then we spray everything, including the driver, with warm soapy water.

Then we give everything a good scrub with some sponges and rags. 

Then we wave the customer goodbye, switch drivers and do it all over again and again until everyone was soggy and had had enough.

Then we get everyone dried off, fed and back off to school to collect the missing two.

We celebrated the end of term with a lollipop and lots of excitement about the next few weeks together 🙂

Happy summer holidays everyone


1 comment:

  1. That looks a lovely mornings work. I wish someone gave me a lollipop when I clean my car. I might do it more often.


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