
Thursday, 16 June 2022

Thursday's Th-somethings

Yesterday was spent enduring Sport's day. A full day in the blazing sun on AstroTurf with minimal shelter. By the time we arrived back home I felt awful, DH very kindly let me have a lay down to recover while he cooked the children's tea. 
Today I still feel headachey and lethargic but it's not to bad. I've managed to get all the jobs I wanted sorted out today completed, albeit a bit slower than planned.
On this afternoons school run though I had a lovely surprise. One of the school run ladies I often chat with passed me a heavy carrier bag and said her friend had given her a load of bits and she didn't need these but wanted them to go to a good home. 
Can you guess? 

A big tin of buttons! All shapes, sizes and colours 😍 What a lovely gift! 
There's several really pretty metal buttons, some very classic looking vintage buttons and even a few cute shaped buttons for children's cardigans. I'm going to make great use of them all.

In other crafting news here is a quick progress pic of Baby C's blanket. I'm still getting strong ice cream vibes from it but DD1 said it makes her think of tropical sunsets 🤔

 I guess we'll just have to see how it evolves.

Take care and stay hydrated

X x X


1 comment:

  1. How about eating ice cream while watching a tropical sunset?! Best of both worlds. : ) Especially that yarn with the flecks in it - looks like chocolate chip ice cream!


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