
Saturday, 19 February 2022

Half term Day 1

I'm not counting yesterday as the start of half term. We spent the entire day as most of the country did wearing pajamas, eating storm snacks and watching all sorts of things fly past the windows. I was so pleased to see the children's schools had closed for safety, not that I planned to send them in. Until they reach double digits  my children are usually the smallest in their year groups and no match for windy weather.

Saturday is a Library day. They put on construction club which is basically an enormous pile of Lego on a set of tables for everyone to enjoy and craft club which has a range of colouring and simple free crafts to try.
This week we made penguin windsocks which came out beautifully. I've taken a photo of the instruction sheet so we can do these again at home. 

While #1, #4 and #5 were happiest crafting. #2 and #3 were happiest building so everyone was happily occupied for a good 45 minutes. 
After the library we visited H&M and The Entertainer with some of the children's Christmas vouchers. We then picked up some pizzas and milk in iceland before heading home again. 
The weather turned quite bad again in the afternoon so I'm glad we came home when we did.  

Tomorrow I'm hoping for a nicer day so I can begin to tackle what's left of our garden. I lay the washing pole, furniture and slide down to try and keep it safe but it's still all slid around the garden a fair bit. The bit chunks of plastic was a Wendy house, I'm not sure if it's salvageable 😔 but I'm grateful this is the worst we suffered. I've seen some terrible scenes on social media that people now need to sort out. 

 I'm hoping to take a little walk to B&Q and see if I can get some compost and cheap plants. Once the rubbish is cleared away and few colourful flowers are potted up it'll soon look much better 😀 

 X x X


  1. Very wise of the Powers That Be to close the schools in advance. Imagine if they're been at school when the winds struck - it would have been a nightmare to get them home safely.
    I hope that, when you sort the garden out, most things are salvageable. I was lucky - I'd put some blow-about-able stuff in the shed where they will stay until Tuesday and all my container pots stayed upright, somehow.

  2. How lovely that your library provides those activities. Yes I stayed in all day Friday too.


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