
Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Almost back to usual

DD2 and DS went back to school this morning. The weather has gotten really cold again so I send DS to school with his thermals on under his uniform. Due to the Covid rules all the classrooms have to have their windows open during the school day. 

After the morning school run I popped to the local shop for milk, then spent an hour sorting the house while DD1 entertained the smallest two. 

Midmorning we had to pop to DD1's school for her preterm Covid test. She refused it as expected but as she has no symptoms she's still fine to attend tomorrow as usual.

Then we popped DD3 to preschool for her usual afternoon session.

Then DD1, DD5 and I met up with my parents for a cup of tea and a little look around the charity shops. I found the most beautiful patchwork quilt for just £1. I couldn't leave it for that price and told my mum that I was rescuing it 🤣

Someone has put many hours of love and effort into that quilt only for it to end up in a charity shop on a rail of linens. 

DS had claimed it as his sofa blanket and it's already following him around the house 🥰

The afternoon was spent doing the usual routine of school run, dinners and Bath times. 

I think I'll sleep very well tonight 😴

X x X


  1. Poor school children. They must be perished with the cold.

  2. DS obviously has good taste, and a frugal habit inherited from his parents!!

  3. What a beautiful find! I started reading today's blog thinking it was a project you'd been working on that I'd missed reading about!! Xx


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