
Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Tuesday's happenings

Tuesday mornings are back to being playgroup mornings which I am very grateful for. The group hasn't long started running again and for a while there was a big fear that it wouldn't return from it's Covid hiatus. 
Today, as you can tell, we made Christmas baubles. There was a lovely selection of letters, sequins, gems, stickers, feathers and all sorts of lovely things to use. It was crafting heaven for children and adults alike. 
Except for one poor little boy sat next to us. He heard me gushing over DD3's and Baby C's creations while he sat making his own. He looked at his mum stood behind him and said "Can we put mine on our tree?" His mum barely glanced up from her phone and replied "You ain't putting that on my tree!" The little boy looked at his bauble, lay it on the table and walked away to another play area that had been set up. "Urgh, he never finishes anything like this!" Complained his mum and followed off after him.

All I could think was Why would he? After she left the table there was a lot of tutting between the assembled parents. We decided if the little boy attends next week we're going to make sure he hears lots of praise from us to make up for the lack elsewhere.
Honestly it was heartbreaking.

X x X 


  1. It's just unkind and so sad.

  2. poor little boy won't have any self confidence x

  3. How cruel of her to put a child down like that.If any of mine would have given me a lolly stick with a dead leaf stuck to it,I would have told them how lovely it was and displayed it with pride!.There are some rotten people about who dont deserve children.x


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