
Monday, 13 September 2021

It was going so well!!


 I seem to have no luck at all at the moment. What's worse is now seems to have passed onto the children. 

 DD3 went to preschool this morning happy and bouncy leaving me home alone with just Baby C for company. However by lunch time I recieved a phone call saying she had a low fever and was complaining of a sore throat. I had to go collect her. 

 Due to the pandemic and all that jazz DD3 has to now be tested for Covid before she can return to preschool. Which is fair enough, I'm completely on board with that BUT the advice is also she should now isolate until her test is done and the results arrive. Not so great when you have other children to collect from school! Luckily after lots of back and forth with the school and a few friends I've found someone suitable who can collect Gman and DD2 for me. But it's been a frantic 45 minutes of trying to juggle all the logistics . 

 One week we've managed back at school before the dreaded 'rona has started effecting us again. I can't wait till this whole thing is over and done with.  DD3 meanwhile has had some Calpol and has gone back into bouncy mode.

 X x x


  1. OH, no, what an utter nuisance. I do hope she won't be too poorly and that the test is negative. xx

  2. i hope you're all soon back to normal, i too wish it was over and done with, everyone has had enough xx

  3. Our 4year old grand son has to have a covid test, before he has a small op, luckily for daughter a nurse will do it, not an easy task.


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