
Thursday, 4 March 2021

Mother of Frogspawn, first of her name


 Gman is thrilled. We are officially raising a clump of frog spawn on our dining room table. In a tank though of course lol

  After watching some nature themed vloggers on YouTube, Gman asked if his Grandad had some frogspawn on his allotment that we could have. After the success of our caterpillar raising last year I thought it sounded like a great idea. 

 We watched a few video guides together and I read a few webpages about frogspawn keeping 101 before deciding to give it a go.

 Sadly Grandad didn't have any frog spawn in his little nature pond  which might be thanks to the small army of slow worms that reside in the nearby compost heap. However a polite appeal on facebook put us in touch with a local lady who had plenty in her garden pond to share. 

Once grown we will release them onto Grandad's allotment to patrol the vegetables.

 I shall keep you posted on our froggy adventures.

X x X

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