
Monday, 21 December 2020

Busy busy

I woke up early this morning to watch the sunrise over Stonehenge. 
English Heritage streamed the event live over Facebook to the world with gently background music. It actually made me feel quite emotional as I realised I was watching with 14k other people around the world. 
It was also a good reminder that even with all the other worries happening at the moment such as C19, Brexit, finances etc that the really real stuff is just as dependable as ever. The sun will always rise, the seasons will pass, the planet will turn on.
It was quite a philosophical moment for me that early in the morning. 

 Being on facebook early also gave me a chance to pounce of an offer of free food via a food sharing scheme. 
We recieved paninis, pastries, french baguettes, crusty rolls and a bunch of rather brown bananas.
The bananas were quickly turned into a big batch of banana cakes using DD1's baking skills and a nice recipe from BBC good food.
The smallest Spurriers all enjoyed decorating them together. 

We saved a few back for Gman who is officially cast free as of this morning 🥰
We asked him what he would like to do now he didn't have a cast on and he opted for a nice deep bubblebath with his toy dinosaurs for company.  

X x X

P.S - I've received a few requests over the past week asking if we have an Amazon wish list. If you would like to see it you can find it here. I will also add a seperate page to my blog. 



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