
Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Little trip out

We took Baby C out for a little trip in the car today. DH wanted to show her off to his staff at work, like a proud Daddy 🥰 
It was also her first time out of babygrows and into what I call 'people clothes'. 

The bruises from my IV's and spinal are making themselves known today. Overall though my pain levels are very reasonable and as long as there's no sudden movements I'm pretty good on my feet. Tiredness comes on quick but DH has been wonderful at letting me lay on the bed undisturbed with some tea to rest for an hour or so whenever I need it. 

One of the perks of visiting DHs work was a quick visit to the charity shop  that's almost next door. 
Shower Gel - 50p
Book - 25p
Craft Book - 50p

The shower gel smells like candy floss and bubblegum and all thinks girly. The craft book has some lovely ideas I look forward to trying soon. Stephen King will be added to my challenge collection, though i haven't started reading Carrie yet. I might make that tomorrow's task of the day. 

X x X


  1. Glad Hubby is giving you a chance to rest after your c section!

  2. that dress is so cute, the snow fairy shower gel is a real bargain, lush is really expensive x

  3. Here is an ideal opportunity to be frugal make your own garden compost using what you have used in a recycling process that goes back to nourishing nature using nature. frugal living


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