
Friday, 17 July 2020

Backwards and forwards

Baby C recieved her Nanny blanket today. My mum has made each of the children a patchwork blanket to snuggle so it felt quite special for C to receive hers 🥰

Today I trundled back to the hospital for Baby C's 5 day checkover. Due to the COVID rules they no longer come to your home to see you, to be fair they try and do as much in each appointment as they can to save to many journeys. As someone who hates any medical related trip its been quite an anxious time which isnt the best thing while trying to heal.
Baby C has lost a tiny 8oz since birth, I'm suprised she lost any as my girl likes her food.
The hearing test was successful on her left ear but inconclusive on her right ear. That means another trip back next week at some point to retest.
She lost her cord stump this morning and it looks like it's healing nicely too.
Things are going great.
Next appointment is more Mummy focused as I get my Pico dressing removed and a check over to see how I'm doing. 

Today was also Gman's last day of term. We bought his teachers each a potted plant to go with their cards as no one seemed to be following the no gifts rule.
A few more days R&R and we can start having some summer trips out.

X x X

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Thursday Fun

Baby C had her first bath today. Is there anything as wonderful as a bath fresh baby? 

I discovered that an old falling apart book of quotes had pages the right size for some frames i had laying around. The colours match our freshly painted bedroom 😁

This afternoon was spent making some last minute Thank you cards for Gman's teachers.
They've moved the end of term forward a few days. Originally it was ending on the 22nd.

X x X

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Little trip out

We took Baby C out for a little trip in the car today. DH wanted to show her off to his staff at work, like a proud Daddy 🥰 
It was also her first time out of babygrows and into what I call 'people clothes'. 

The bruises from my IV's and spinal are making themselves known today. Overall though my pain levels are very reasonable and as long as there's no sudden movements I'm pretty good on my feet. Tiredness comes on quick but DH has been wonderful at letting me lay on the bed undisturbed with some tea to rest for an hour or so whenever I need it. 

One of the perks of visiting DHs work was a quick visit to the charity shop  that's almost next door. 
Shower Gel - 50p
Book - 25p
Craft Book - 50p

The shower gel smells like candy floss and bubblegum and all thinks girly. The craft book has some lovely ideas I look forward to trying soon. Stephen King will be added to my challenge collection, though i haven't started reading Carrie yet. I might make that tomorrow's task of the day. 

X x X

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

And then there were 5!

Baby C arrived happy and healthy on the 12th of July at 2.25pm weighing 8lbs 5oz.

Apparently Baby C didn't get the memo to evict herself after my waters broke a few days  before so we ended up with a "not quite elective- elective section" 🤣 
Having had 5 cesarean sections now the risks are getting too high for anymore biological children so we decided the time was right to be steralized at the same time. We have both said however that there is room in our hearts for more children in the future and will look at fostering and adoption etc in a few years time if we feel ready to explore it.
So it's the end of a chapter, not the story for the Spurrier family.
 For now though we are enjoying life as The Spurrier Seven 😍

X x X

Thursday, 2 July 2020

The Chazza are open!!!

We popped Gman into school this morning and took a little wander into town. 3 of the local charity shops have officially reopened and I'm not ashamed to say i may have done a little happy dance in the street.
I picked up the knitting book for just 25p! I have others in this series and they are really good quality. 
The 3 novels were £2 for all 3. I've looking for Carrie by Stephen King forever. I've challenged myself to read all his works in published order, as luck would have it Salem's Lot is the second on the list. 

I also picked up two craft kits. 
The first is miniature sewing. When I was in my early teens I used to go to the big annual stitch shows at Olympia with my mum, i can remember there being a few stalls featuring tiny needlepoint items for dollhouses. I've always fancied giving it a try but it's not a cheap craft to get into. This kit was originally £19.50! In fact you can still purchase them on the Nicola Mascall website.
The second kit is a cute cross stitch kit. I usually stick to greeting card kits but the sweet picture and bargain price tempted me in. At 7" by 5" it isn't a gigantic project but certainly one that will take me a little while to complete. I couldn't spot it on Hobbycrafts website but they had several similar by the same company so I don't think its a particularly old kit either.

And finally for a bit of fun I saw these in the Pound shop and had to snaffle them. I'm thinking of a mini pamper session with my girls in the garden on our next sunny afternoon. Maybe some homemade facemasks too.
I'll keep you posted.

I'm waddling off to start my new books with a nice hot cuppa 😍

X x X