
Monday, 1 June 2020

Yesterday's adventures

Yesterday's Silver screen movie was King Kong. I really enjoyed it.

I potted up 2 Basil plants for my windowsill. The two tubs contain Parsley seeds. I also started a tub of rainbow chard, radish and beetroot. 

 I seam ripped 2 old curtains from a bag of mixed fabrics I was gifted. Then my dad kindly printed me out a free pattern I found on Pinterest. I've cut out all the pieces for one bag to sew up this afternoon. I'm hoping if all goes well to make several and use them for Christmas gifts.

The children spent most of the day hopping in and out of the paddling pool. The sun was pretty fierce so we switched swim suits for cotton dresses to cover more skin. 

Ì also potted up about 20 basil plants over the course of the day and gifted them to friends, neighbours and the members of a plant exchange page on Facebook. I asked for yoghurt pots in return so i can continue to grow and gift plants for the future. Most people have been happy to leave a little bag of containers.

X x X

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