
Thursday, 11 June 2020

Garden fun

We've been back to Hubby's Grandfather's house, this time to take some plant cuttings from the garden before the house changes hands. I've taken several cuttings from different roses to try and propagate. Some are in soil, some water and some potatoes. I'm also experimenting with some Clematis cuttings.

I've split off two good sized chunks of English lavender with good sized roots. I've never had much luck with Lavender so I'm crossing my fingers for these guys. 

I also collected some Fuchsia which is one of my favourite flowers.

And finally a clump of Old English Marigold. 
I was very fortunate that i was able to get everything home and potted up before an afternoon rainstorm. Hopefully a good watering of rain will be just the boost and encouragement they need to settle nicely. 
Wish me luck.

X x X


  1. i'd be interested to hear how you get on with the rose cuttings in potatoes x

  2. I love the old fashioned marigolds and had loads in my garden. I hope your plants all flourish.


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