
Monday, 15 June 2020

Better day

Hubby dropped Gman off to my parents on his way to this morning. They have kindly agreed to cover school runs where possible. 
I needed to pop to the shop for some essentials with the girls, so we went early to avoid the crowds. 
DD2 helpfully made us a shopping list to follow.
How many can you decipher? 

Once you've mastered DD2 then you can try Baby W's shopping list next 😂

DD2 has struggled today. I'm not sure if it's Hubby returning to work or just a funny day. There's been several toilet accidents after weeks of no troubles at all so something's definitely up.

I've tried to give her lots of chances of interaction without pestering her. DD2 can happily be a lone wolf when she wants to, so I've just been mostly hanging around nearby so she can have as much or as little interaction as she chooses. We spent the afternoon making this rather cool toilet roll basket by following  youtube and instructables. You cut the rolls into thin circles and weave them together, its all rather clever.

Gman arrived home safely from school and helped make dinner. We made bacon and cheese puffs together. 

Making sure to save a couple for Daddies supper when he comes home this evening.

Definitely a better day.

X x X


  1. the cheese and bacon puffs look lovely and your girls make cute unicorns x

  2. Gman is getting so big 💚


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