
Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Family update

Hello Strangers.
I'm sorry it's been so long again. Life is hectic for 4 children and Husband to organise. 
 Everyone here is doing well at the moment. Having big sisters seems to have given Gman a strong immune system to the bugs that have taken out half of year R already. 
DD1 and DD2 both seem to be happy at school and getting on okay. Tonight we have parents evening so we'll get to hear what they've all been up to. Hopefully they haven't been staging any coups or taking hostages lol.
Baby W is growing like a weed. She has most of her top set of teeth now but seems to have forgotten to grow the bottom set apart from the front two. Hopefully they will appear soon.
Hubby has had his working hours reduced slightly which has really effected us. We've got some strategies to cope if anymore hours start to disappear. Luckily the betting business isnt one that is struggling to badly at the moment, although it's not without its own issues I'm sure. 
And finally, me. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. The black dog that follows me has been keeping a respectable distance and I've been busying myself with setting up an upcycling business with my mum. 

It's all been quite busy really. 

X x X 

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