
Sunday, 27 October 2019

A tale about a cupboard

One of DH's closest friends is shortly moving house and is selling off spare furniture etc before the move. One thing he was selling was a lovely pine set of drawers for £30. Gman has needed a new set of drawers in his bedroom for a while so we decided to buy.
Hubby went over this afternoon to pick it up.

When he came home he looked decidedly sheepish. 
Me; What have you done?
Him; Well... they had two matching bedside tables they said we could have for free. I thought it would be nice to have matching furniture, so I said yes.
Me; Okay, fair enough. Great idea.
Him; And then...

Him; friends fiance asked if we'd like this canvas picture she was throwing out. I thought the girls might like it.
Me; It's very pretty, I'm sure they'd love it in their bedroom. 
Him; And then...

Him; ...they offered me a tactical vest. I thought Gman might like it for Halloween and dressing up.
Me; Um... a bit odd but okay...
Him; And then...

Him; ...they asked if I wanted their fish tank.
Me; A fish tank?
Him; Yeah, it's got all the accessories and pumps with it too!
Me; ...Great(!)

That man is never leaving the house unescorted ever again! 

X X 

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Day one of half term

We woke up early today, still running on school routine time. The weather looked its usual grey and miserable self. This Autumn has just been such a damp and soggy season for us in the UK.
We decided to brave the rain and head into town anyway. It was only light pathetic drizzle when we left so not to bad.

We went to the library for free halloween crafts first. They also had a lego table set up so we spent a few happy hours building and creating. Todays crafts were spider hats, paper pumpkin and colouring sheets. 
When we started feeling peckish we went to Tesco for a packet of sausage rolls and a free piece of fruit for the children. I noticed all four of them eyeing up the candy apples which are an eye watering £1.50 each. Tonights job will be looking for tips on Pinterest on how to make my own!
  After eating we walked past the toy shop who were holding a demonstration day. The shop was packed to the rafters so we didn't visit. 
 We did kill ten minutes in the local museum trying their free Halloween trail, the children each won a lollipop for completing it together. 
 Sadly our walk home wasn't very pleasant thanks to the worsening weather and we weren't in the best of moods when we finally squelched indoors.
  Still i get points for trying right?

 X x X

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Organised frugalling

I've gotten into the habit of checking our local Co-op on the school run each afternoon. They tend to mark down their clearance items just before I pass by, especially on the fruit and veg.
Today was a good day for cheap fruit with lots of punnets for £1 or less. I picked up 2 punnets of mixed grapes. One for lunch boxes and one for after school snacking.
For a while now I've been keeping a small stash of lidded pots in my handbag. The cheap poundshop type that stack inside one another. They take up very little room and weigh almost nothing, but they are invaluable. 
Especially when i need to split a bargain punnet of grapes on the go! Trying to get four children to share fairly on the walk home is almost impossible. Not even worth trying.
4 tiny pots are a complete lifesaver.

X x X

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Frugal Halloween treats

 I popped into town after the school run. I wanted to look for brown wool in Poundland to knit some chocolate orange covers. Sadly they didnt have anything suitable, but on the way out I discovered 2 packets of Cadbury mini rolls reduced to 50p each. Both packets had a short use by date but they won't hang around long in my house.
 A quick look on Pinterest turned up a idea of putting mini rolls on straws and decorating them as monsters. I grabbed a few supplies from my baking cupboard and got to work.
  They took just moments to make and look pretty spooky and tasty to me.
  Hopefully the children will enjoy them as an after school treat.


Family update

Hello Strangers.
I'm sorry it's been so long again. Life is hectic for 4 children and Husband to organise. 
 Everyone here is doing well at the moment. Having big sisters seems to have given Gman a strong immune system to the bugs that have taken out half of year R already. 
DD1 and DD2 both seem to be happy at school and getting on okay. Tonight we have parents evening so we'll get to hear what they've all been up to. Hopefully they haven't been staging any coups or taking hostages lol.
Baby W is growing like a weed. She has most of her top set of teeth now but seems to have forgotten to grow the bottom set apart from the front two. Hopefully they will appear soon.
Hubby has had his working hours reduced slightly which has really effected us. We've got some strategies to cope if anymore hours start to disappear. Luckily the betting business isnt one that is struggling to badly at the moment, although it's not without its own issues I'm sure. 
And finally, me. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. The black dog that follows me has been keeping a respectable distance and I've been busying myself with setting up an upcycling business with my mum. 

It's all been quite busy really. 

X x X