
Thursday, 12 September 2019

Busy Thursday

It was G man's first day at school, I can't believe it's come round quite so quick! 
Clever hubby had arranged to work an evening shift so he could spend the morning ddistracting me.

First we visited Poundland, one if my favourite shops to visit. I picked up these poo dig kits to pop in the childrens Christmas stockings. I think they are hilarious and they should keep everyone amused for a little while over the festive period.

After Poundland and a nice breakfast in Weatherspoons, we took a stroll around the little midweek car boot sale. 
There wasn't a lot to interest me but may be I wasn't really in the right mood for it. One at at stall had a little box of vintage books that I enjoyed looking through.
For 50p I purchased this wonderful copy of Leaves of Gold from 1948.

Its a book filled with quotes, poems, prayers and scripture on different topics. Topics include bereavement, forgiveness, encouragement etc. I'm really going to enjoy pouring over the contents for a while. 
I'm already tempted to write out some of the quotes for a small set of frames I picked up recently. 

X x X


  1. no.....just copy the quotes or have a go with pen and ink . That book is the same age as me. haha. I don't think I could cut it up.


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