
Tuesday, 6 August 2019

The Watercress Line; Day Out with Thomas

We have spent a wonderful day out at the Watercress Line. Gman was gifted a family ticket for his birthday so we'd planned the visit for a little while. 
The children all recieved Thomas themed tattoos though Baby W found hers most confusing.

Riding from station to station in different types of  steam trains and carriages took up most of the day. Each station has little activity tables to discover and scavenger hunts to complete.

We popped in to see Sir Topham Hatt himself to get our certificates signed and take a few photos. 

One of the stations were handing out some books on train safety which I thought was a wonderful idea. The children each came home with a sticker book and a storybook to enjoy.
 It was a wonderful day out as a family and I'd recommended a visit to any young family.

X x X


  1. We are a bit far from that but we do have a heritage line quite near and I look forward to taking little granddaughter there when she's a bit older. Your day out looked great.

  2. I've been there. It's good innit :o)


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