
Friday, 31 May 2019

Holiday survival

It's been a fun frugal half term so far. The weather has been kind so we've been out and about a lot. 
We've been to the local parks and paddling pools, enjoyed playdates with our school friends, enjoyed the cinema club at our church, visited a local bakery for delicious cakes and had the water fight to end all water fights in the garden. 
DH has been working long hours this week so sadly we haven't seen much of him. However yesterday he finished work at 3pm and sent me to Costa with the command to enjoy a break.

I had a wonder 45 minutes enjoying an uninterrupted frappe and finishing my book in peace. I am so grateful for a thoughtful husband 😍
I came back feeling rested and rejuvinated.

X x X 


  1. Always good to have me time. I had four children under 5. Not sure how I managed!

  2. Sounds like a great holiday and what a lovely husband.

  3. that was so nice of your hubby. All the kids are growing up so fast.

  4. just to let you know that I am going to resume blogging but making this for other authors only, this should stop spam and any other unwanted readers. sorry for messing about. This means other bloggers like yourself will be able to read but general public will not.


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