
Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Curtain Christmas

Gman went back to preschool today so it's just down to Baby W!
Hubby isn't working until this evening so between us we blitzed one level of the house together which only took about an hour. As a reward for hard work I treated myself to a White Chocolate and pistachio coffee. I picked up the box yesterday in poundland, I'm glad I did it was delicious! 

Baby W decided she'd had enough of watching us tidy up and decided to catch up on some beauty sleep. While Hubby played video games I got crafting.
The photo above is a pair of curtains we were gifted to move home with. They covered the patio door nicely width-ways but were a good 8 inches short on length. My eagle eyed mum spotted a beautiful pair of cream curtains at the weekend that were the perfect length so I've switched them both over.
So....the old curtains are now going to be the base of my homemade Christmas. I'm not quite sure if it'll work as an idea but let's have fun trying.

Project one is a simple hanging garland of Christmas inspired shapes. I've used the curtain fabric for the front and the lining for the back to conserve the prettier fabric. There's about 8 different shapes to make but they sew up quite quickly so I will soon blast through them. They make a nice pick-up put-down project to do between other things like waiting for the kettle to boil etc.
I can't decide if I want them hung on ribbon or a nice piece of hairy string. 
What do you think readers?

X x X 


  1. They look really pretty. I think either hairy string or ribbon would work equally well.

  2. I prefer string, it's more rustic looking.

  3. I agree very rustic and country looking, I like them........


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