
Saturday, 16 February 2019

First day of half term

It's half term again. Hurrah! 10 days of enjoying my small people before school restarts again. 
We kick the holidays off with a visit to the local zoo. The overcast weather seemed to keep most people away and although it was still a popular place to go, it wasn't to busy. 
We took the opportunity to purchase our annual passes so they won't run out till this time next year.  We need to visit 3 times over 12 months to recoop the costs but we're already planning a second visit on Thursday or Friday depending on the weather.

Once home the two smallest were tucked up in bed fast asleep by 6.30 so I've taken the opputunity to work on a secret project for Gman. I'm recovering his cardboard letters with a Thomas the tank theme.
Eventually his side of the bedroom will have a T.t.T theme. On our way home from the zoo I picked up a bedroom mat and duvet set from facebay sellers for just £2 each. 
My main aim is to find some budget friendly curtains, I'm hoping Ebay or Facebay will turn some up soon. Fingers crossed.

X x X


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