
Sunday, 18 November 2018

Upcycling for Christmas- glow sticks

We collected a small pile of glow sticks between us all yesterday. We watched the town lights being switched on by Father Christmas.  A lot of the people in the carnival that escorted him through the town handed out glow sticks, sweets, leaflets for events etc.
We came home with about 20 glow sticks.

A quick Google revealed Glow sticks are a bit of an eco disaster. They cant be recycled at all. 
Rather than add to landfill i put on my thinking cap of a way to upcycle them into something else. 
Taking inspiration from their shape I tried covering them in icord and making them into wreaths to hang on the Christmas tree. 
They looked a touch plain so i added some beads and holly leaves cut out from a drinks can. 
I think they look rather sweet.

X x X 


  1. Great idea they look really nice.

  2. That is a great way to recycle something like those glow sticks. I think they look sweet as well.

    God bless.


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