
Saturday, 13 October 2018

Sock animals

Hello strangers.
Apologies for the lack of posts life just keeps getting in the way of things like blogging lately.
Last week we were hit with our first back-to-school bug which took us all out, one by one.
Luckily it was short lived and we have all bounced back quickly.

Today has been an overcast and drizzly sort of a day. Baby W and Gman have mostly snoozed through it, DD1 has been supposedly cleaning her room though it looks suspiciously similar to how it appeared this morning. DD2 went digging in the craft stash and found a sock owl kit.
Apart from a little help with threading the needle and securing the first stitches, DD2 did most of the work herself. She was so proud of her little owl friend when she finished. He's travelled all over the house with her since.
It's inspired me to find some more sock animal patterns on Pinterest and make a few kits of my own to add to her Christmas presents, I certainly have all the necessary ingredients laying about, I'd just need to print some instructions.

X x X


  1. Well done DD2. That's great.

  2. Awesome day by all. Her owl is fabulous!

  3. Well done DD2. It looks magnificent!

    Fat Dormouse (


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