
Thursday, 23 August 2018

Baby D turns 6!

My sweet Baby D turned 6 yesterday. We spent the day at the Zoo with a picnic of all her favourite treats. Then of course came home for cake and candles.
It reminds me that God is good and just how far DD2 has come since her illness.
She is a joy and a blessing and a pest and a menace all wrapped up in one miraculous parcel and we wouldn't have her any other way!

Today has been spent in the kitchen, processing a huge bag of cooking apples we were gifted. We've also found a good source of blackberries almost on our doorstep. 
12 blackberry and apple crumbles are now happily sat in the freezer for hungry tummies on chilly evenings. Tomorrow I'm planning an experimental  apple and chilli jelly.
 Although the weather is still reasonably warm I'm starting to feel the squirrelling urges resurface. I want to make preserves and supplies ready for winter weather. It's harder this year as the garden is only producing chilli's and lettuce currently but thats just because we're starting afresh. 

X x X


  1. wow when did she get so big? A belated Happy Birthday to her!

  2. Happy belated birthday to the little lady, she looks happy blowing out her candles. Husband brought in a bucket and large bowlful of apples from our garden yesterday, so I know what I'm doing today too!


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