
Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Poppy Wave

Yesterday we popped along to Fort Nelson. Usually it's a very cheap day out and the kids can run riot around the tunnels and ramparts without annoying anyone. However we forgot that Fort Nelson is currently hosting Poppy Wave, a wonderful sculpture that's been travelling the country. 

DD1 was fascinated by it and asked lots of interesting questions, DD2 was upset as she thought we'd said puppies not poppies. 
DS was more interested in the coastguard who was flying overhead and DD3 slept the entire thing 😂

Once we got home DD1 wanted to sketch some poppies, so we found a tutorial on Pinterest and both had a go. 
I was so impressed with my picture I even busted out my little box of watercolours.
I'm rather pleased with how they've come out!

X x X


  1. Your painting is very good. I love poppies.

  2. I'm still writing about our simple life. I'm not sure you can even call it a blog, but it's still there. I love reading yours & glad you've kept yours more personal instead of making it a "business".
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