
Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Poppy Wave

Yesterday we popped along to Fort Nelson. Usually it's a very cheap day out and the kids can run riot around the tunnels and ramparts without annoying anyone. However we forgot that Fort Nelson is currently hosting Poppy Wave, a wonderful sculpture that's been travelling the country. 

DD1 was fascinated by it and asked lots of interesting questions, DD2 was upset as she thought we'd said puppies not poppies. 
DS was more interested in the coastguard who was flying overhead and DD3 slept the entire thing 😂

Once we got home DD1 wanted to sketch some poppies, so we found a tutorial on Pinterest and both had a go. 
I was so impressed with my picture I even busted out my little box of watercolours.
I'm rather pleased with how they've come out!

X x X

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Frugal fun


 Who says you need money to have fun!
We've stayed in today to rest from a busy school week but we've found plenty to do.

First we made banana flapjacks. Everyone enjoyed the stirring and the tasting but funnily enough everyone disappeared when it was time to wash up. 

While the flapjacks baked we practised our fine motor skills by decorating pinecones with loom bands. 

After lunch we all tried a Troll themed yoga video on YouTube. Yoga is great for gross motor skills and strengthening core muscles, both of which DD2 needs to work on. I couldn't take any photos of the yoga as DD2 decided to do it in the nude!
While the 3 smallest relaxed mid afternoon, DD1 and I made slime using PVA glue, water and borax. DD1 found an instruction video for us to follow and did most of the work herself.

Finally while I made dinner the three eldest played skittles with some empty bottles from the recycling box. DD1 kept score and DD2 showed off her math skills by adding up all of the points to work out the winner.

It's been a fun packed day and not a penny spent!

X x X

Surprise win

We were all quite excited this morning when the postman delivered a mystery parcel through the letterbox.
I'd forgotten all above entering this competition. I enter quite a few each month as I spot them. It only takes a few seconds out of my day and it's fun to daydream about what you could win.
What a great start to the half term break!


Friday, 25 May 2018


I heard some sad news yesterday. A friend of mine I'd lost touch with just before Christmas is in a bad way.
I used to invite her and her daughter round for meals as I know she was struggling financially. Eventually she moved in with her mother for a while for support. I've now heard she's since turned drugs, her daughter removed from her care and there are several loan sharks looking for her. 
I tried sending her a message to say hello and ask how she was. She replied asking for money, I of course declined and she blocked me.
It's all very sad.
I am so grateful today for all I have in my life. 4 wonderful children, a kind supportive husband, loving friends and family. 
I'm also reminded that we are all only a few bad decisions away from disaster.
It's a sobering thought.


P.S - You have no idea how many chocolate buttons I had to bribe them with to take these photos! It was a nightmare! I've no idea how child photographers do it!

X x x

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


On Saturday I learned that mobile phones don't swim. Apparently most mobile phones drown in the toilet, falling from people's pockets as they sit or stand. Mine however drowned dramatically in the washing up bowl.
I was watching YouTube music videos while I cleaned the dishes. I've done it a thousands times but apparently Saturday morning was one time to many.
Luckily our frugal lifestyle means we have savings to cover such accidents. I now have a shiny new phone but I'm £100 poorer for it.
Next month will require a little extra frugalling to replace the savings used.
Annoyingly next week is half term but I always love a good challenge!

X x X

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Rhubarb and Orange jam

Gman wasn't the only person getting gifts yesterday. My parents very kindly gave me a huge bag of delicious rhubarb from their allotment.
Today I set to work processing it into something delicious.

A quick hunt through my collection of preserving books found the recipe above. I had all of the ingredients on hand so decided to give it a go.

It felt great to be making preserves in the kitchen again. A house that smells of rhubarb is a nice bonus too. 
Neither jar has set well, the time in the recipe is very short for a jam. However I'm planning to use it mostly in overnight oats and deserts so it doesn' hugely matter. In this household it won't hang around for long!

X x X

Monday, 14 May 2018

Gman is 3!

Where have those past 3 years gone? I can't believe my little Prince is growing up so fast. I'm remember talking to him in the hospital just after he was born forbidding him to grown up, but that's exactly what he's done.


Today has been full of gifts, pub buffet breakfasts, treats, laughter and lots of cake!

Here's to another year of waking to your beautiful pouty sleep face, of watching you grow into a handsome young man and of enjoying your company for as long as I possibly can!
Happy 3rd birthday Gman

X x X

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Plans for May

* Enjoy some Hungry Caterpillar crafts for The Giant Wiggle  (7th-14th)
* Organise Gman's 3rd birthday for the 14th
* Knit 25 new born baby hats for a local charity competition by the end of the month.
* Pack and declutter as much as possible so we're ready to move.
* Remember it's okay to rest and try to watch one episode of something on Netflix each day while relaxing.