
Monday, 25 September 2017

Prepping for the next apocolypse

According to the Daily Mail and a few other newspapers we are all keeling over from Australian flu this winter. Something to look forward to eh?
While I don't buy into the whole flu pandemic idea, it is a timely reminder that cold and flu season will soon be upon us.

This afternoon I took 15 minutes to pull out the contents of the first aid and medicines shelf.
The first aid box was in pretty good order, I just need to add a new tube of antiseptic cream and some antibac hand gel.
The medicine box was eye opening. Many many out of date products!
I've popped them into a local pharmacy that offers a free disposal service. 
 Tomorrow I'm hoping to pop into town and restock a few things, mostly Lemsip and decongestants. I also need a fresh jar of local honey and a stock of tissues. 
Hopefully we won't need to use them to much 

X x X

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