
Sunday, 9 July 2017

Weekend round up.

On Friday this cheeky young man had his first haircut. Hopefully he'll been feeling a little bit cooler with shorter hair. It's made him look so much older suddenly though, where has my baby boy gone?

On Saturday we were melting and grumpy from the heat. The afternoon was spent in a nice cool bubble bath where we rescued small plastic toys from giant icecubes. 
It was a new activity we hadn't tried before but I highly recommend it. It costs next to nothing and can be on standby in the freezer for the next heat wave.

We also ate ice creams. Does anyone know why toddlers always eat the bottom of the cone first? Almost every parent I speak to had dealt with this phenomena and I'm sure there must be something to it.

Today we went to a local summer fayre. It was one of those lovely ones where the PTA man all the stalls and everything costs 20p/50p. We all enjoyed watching the country dancing, dog agility show and playing on the school playground equipment.

We all had a go on the Tombola and walked away with 4 prizes. A can of ginger beer, a yankee candle, posh soap and a tube of Marks and Spencer body lotion. 
 DD2 was very proud of her prize and fell asleep clutching it on the way home.I'm predicting the next few days will have a distinctive shea butter scent lol.

 Over all its been a very pleasant weekend. 
What have you all been up to?

X x x

1 comment:

  1. I looks like a brilliant weekend. We did the opposite we stayed home and pottered in the garden with lots of homemade ice lollies, padding pool and outdoor dining. My daughter is 4 years old and recently won a lipsil well it was like a chanel lippy lol. I love you craft ideas and shall be stealing a few :)


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