
Thursday, 8 June 2017

Charity shop bargains

I thought this week was done for amazing bargains after Saturdays free sofa and yesterday's mountain of onions. Turns out that this is the week that just keeps on giving!
First I found Gman a Thomas the tank pillowcase for 50p. We've been watching old episodes on YouTube together and he adores them.
Then I found a book all about mint for 20p. It's full of things to make with mint and has lots of fascinating facts and folklore about mint. 
Last but not least I found a brand new set of pajamas in DD1's size. They are the sweetest green and blue tartan and 100% cotton. I've added them to the Christmas cupboard!

Not bad for £1.70!

X x X

1 comment:

  1. I love secondhand shops and frequent them all the time at home and at the cottage. Here we have yard sales too and they are filled with opportunity.

    Thank you for the sweet post ~ Arlene


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