
Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Back school and planning ahead.

DD1 is off to school today. I admit I shed a few tears once she passed through the doors and headed up the stairs. Next week it will be DD2's turn to start school. Im predicting even more tears for that event.

I'm hoping to keep myself occupied with little jobs around the house and garden. 
I'm also making plans and gathering resources for half term. As half term falls at the end of October we will be planning a whole week of Halloween themed fun.
I've given myself a budget of  £25 for the 9 days so I will need to use all my best frugalling skills to keep things on budget.

My first £1 will be invested in a pack of card (30 sheets @£1) from Poundland. I've found a wonderful website here with a whole range of spooky printables. 
I can't wait to get started!


1 comment:

  1. She looks lovely :)

    I went to the spooky website but struggling to find the printable page


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