
Sunday, 5 June 2016

Back to school prep.

We are all prepped and ready to return to school tomorrow. A weeks worth of school/preschool outfits are hanging ready to go. Backpacks are packed ready. PE kit has been found and assembled.
All I need to do now is plan a weeks worth of activities to keep me busy while I miss the girls.

Job 1 is reading To kill a mockingbird. A few friends and I have (very) recently formed a book club and this is our first book to read and discuss. 

Job 2 is knitting.  I desperately need to work through my stash! I pick this huge ball of Flutterby Chenille at random. The plan is to make a blanket for Gman.

Job 3 is to dejunk, deep clean and reorganise the lounge. Starting with the TV cupboard! It needs a good polish and sort out.
Gman is far to big for his bouncer chair as well so that needs washing and listing for sale. I've been careful to keep it in good condition so we could
 resell it. We paid £15 so I want to try and get at least £10.

I will let you know how I get on.

X x X

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