
Wednesday, 15 June 2016

A day in the kitchen

With my glamorous and hungry assist DD2 I have spent the day making...

...2 batches of Angela's wonderful Rhubarb windows. Check out the recipe HERE
One for now and one popped in the freezer for later. batch of classic strawberry jam. 

...and finally one batch of Rhubarb, Strawberry and Mint jam. 

It used everything up nicely and gave us a lovely stash of tasty treats that should last us a few weeks. (She says watching Hubby polish off another window!)

X x X


  1. The windows look brilliant!

  2. I loved it made with rhubarb, then made a batch with plums, stoned and put cut side down, used soft brown sugar and it was yummy. Gooseberry next I think.


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