
Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Big Give - 22/23/24 - 366

Apologies for being so quiet. There's a nasty cold working it's way through the household.
Hubby has just started with it now :(
But I have a cunning plan (Baldrick!)
In order to get back up to speed with my Big Give plans I am offer three items today.
It works the same as before BUT if more than one person comments they will be split.

If you fancy re homing a knitting magazine pop me a comment below and  in 7 days I'll pick who gets one (or all!)
If no one wants them they are off to the chazza. 

X x


  1. Oh yes please, I would love to have one or all of these. Even though my needles have gone walkabout I am giving them till Tuesday to turn up. Then I will set about replacing them.


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