
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Pottering indoors.

DD1:is home again today. Poor little lady has a temperature, ear ache and sore throat. 
Luckily Hubby is also off today so he watched the small people while I got some jobs done around the house.
First I cleared out one of the food cupboards. A good clean and sort through left it looking much better. I remembered to line it with newspaper this time as well!

I made everyone a tasty lunch of pitta, salad, cheese and potato salad. It used up a bunch of fridge bits and made some room.

This afternoon I've been catching up with War and Peace on BBC Iplayer and working on my easter project  for the children. Three yellow chicks are now almost complete. (I'm going to glue on all the googly eyes in one session at the end) For my next trick I'm making three pink bunnies, but after that I'm a bit stuck for ideas. Lambs perhaps?
Suggestions welcome 

X x x


  1. I think everyone is in Spring Cleaning mode, I am I have been doing the same x

  2. We do paper daffodils, knitted carrots and lambs are always cute x Tasty lunch :)

  3. I line my kitchen cupboards, I use gift wrapping paper for the splash of colour. I do save all my own paper and have a few friends who save theirs for me. When I run out I use a roll of wallpaper from the CS, the current one has big splashes of roses on a pale green background.


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