
Monday, 7 December 2015

Taking time

I'm writting this post tucked up in bed with some hot chocolate. I seem to be coming down with the virus that made its way through the children. I feel pretty rough but I'm a tough bird, I'll make it.
I've pulled out a new book to read from the great stash in my bedside cupboard. I actually received it for my birthday back in October! 
I'm challenging myself to read one chapter a day. With all the bedlam of Christmas plays, gift buying, prepping and all the other joys, I think it's important to remind myself that I need to take five minutes out here and there.

Tonight the elves are abseiling from the curtain pole. With paperchains! It was actually a nice quick set up tonight thanks to a tall hubby.

X x X


  1. I can see hubby is behaving himself with the elves , I thought they might be working their way through the Karma Sutra......

    1. Lol hubby is no longer allowed to arrange the elves without adult supervision x x


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